新宝测速6:修士論文に関する書式(Wordファイル)/Formats for Master Thesis(MS-Word Files)
- ?修士論文題目届(Title of Master Thesis)(38.5 KB)
- ?早期修了申請書(Application of Early Completion)(16.97 KB)
- ?修士論文要旨(Summary of Master Thesis)(16.08 KB)
- 【Example】修士論文要旨(Summary of Master Thesis)(53.36 KB)
- ?修士の学位論文の提出に係る確認書(21.08 KB)
- ?Master's Thesis Submission Confirmation(20.99 KB)
- ?リポジトリ登録許諾書(Agreement to allow registration of master thesis)(19.98 KB)
新宝测速6:博士論文に関する書式(Wordファイル)/Formats for Doctoral Dissertation(MS-Word Files)
- ?博士論文題目届(Title of Doctoral Dissertation)(37 KB)
- ?早期修了申請書(Application of Early Completion)(26.5 KB)
- ?学位論文審査願(Application for Review of Doctoral Dissertation)(28.5 KB)
- ?論文目録(37 KB)
- ?List of Publications(25.96 KB)
- ?学位論文の要旨(16.92 KB)
- ?Summary of Doctoral Dissertation(21.25 KB)
- ?履歴書(45 KB)
- ?Curriculum Vitae(28.33 KB)
- ?承諾書(27.5 KB)
- ?Letter of Consent(19.07 KB)
- ?A page containing the list of supervisors(Page after Cover Page)(19.04 KB)
- 18_Doctoral Dissertation Submission and Publication Confirmation (Application Form)20170116.doc(90 KB)
- ?学位論文の提出及び公表に係る確認書(34 KB)
- ?Doctoral Dissertation Submission and Publication Confirmation(92 KB)