
新宝测速6:Seminars and their Significance

Team tutoring

The curriculum at the Department of Management Studies is comprised of lectures and seminars, with particular weight given to seminars.

Each post-graduate student is assigned a main tutor in accordance with their research subjects. In addition, students may choose two more faculty members to act as assistant tutors, based either on relevance to the research topic or the student's wishes. As a result, each student gets guidance for his or her thesis from three faculty members.

This system affords post-graduate students to receive broad-based instruction for compiling their theses without bias toward any one particular area or faculty member.

Master's and Doctoral thesis

Students in the Master's course attend "special research" seminars, which offer guidance for compiling their Masters' theses. Once the students have earned the required credits and their Master's theses judged satisfactory, they are presented with a MSc in Management.

Doctoral students participate in seminars which offer instruction for their Doctoral theses. Once the students have earned the required credits and their Doctoral theses judged satisfactory, they are presented with a Ph.D. in Management. Doctoral theses are required to make an academic or practical contribution to their relevant fields.

